Where is AQ Storage located?
AQ Storage is located at 9905 E 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46229.
What are the call center hours?
Sunday, 7:00 am-6:00 pm Monday - Friday, 5:00 am-9:00 pm Saturday, 5:00 am-7:00 pm
When can I access my belongings?
Access your belongings 7 days a week, 7:00 am-9:00 pm.
Am I required to store long-term?
Tenants are never required to store long-term. We offer month-to-month leases.

How do I pay my storage bill?
Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card. Give us a call to learn about autopay.
What documentation do I need to rent a unit?
All you need is a valid form of government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, passport, or state ID.

Do you offer temperature-controlled units?
We do offer temperature-controlled units at AQ Storage. These units are ideal if you intend to store weather-sensitive items such as appliances, furniture, artwork, electronics, and other items that may be susceptible to temperature and humidity damage.

Will my belongings be safe at AQ Storage?
Your belongings will always be safe at AQ Storage. Our facility is equipped with 24-hour video surveillance and only tenants have access using their personal gate code

For additional questions, don’t ever hesitate to contact us. We can’t wait to help you out!